Saturday 15 April 2017

YuGioh! Genesis: Prologue

Long Ago, ancient sorcerors summoned creatures from another plane of existance to battle. These Sorcerors were used by the richest lords to summon these creatures to win wars. The Sorcerors, seeing both a peaceful and profitable opportunity to end wars, the Sorcerors created the Tribunal of Invokers. Sorcerors of the Tribunal were called Invokers. Invokers were hired by lords and nobles and used to settle disputes between nations and groups. This came in the form of a duel between Invokers. Each group selects one of their Invokers to do battle. The winning Invokers kingdom is the winner in the end.

During this time, summoning was done by forming bonds with the creatures they wished to summon. They would use Astral Projection to impose themselves into the Plane of Myths, where creatures they summon reside, and would befriend and bond with a creature, forming a contract. Should the creature die, so too would the Invoker and vice versa. But they create a simbiotic bond. Through a contract with a creature, the Invoker can summon them at will, as well as gaining some physical trait belonging to their summon, such as fire breath from a fire-breathing dragon. The summon gets to feed off the power of their invoker to become stronger.

One day, a particular Invoker became the High Invoker of the Tribunal, and using his status, he provoked the Tribunal to use its powers to take over the world. This Summoner was known as Lector Pendulum, and he broke the laws of invoking by breaking the laws of not physically altering anything on the Plane of Myths. Lector had learnt to open a portal to the PLane of Myths, and once there, found creatures that were powerful, and by using magic, he twisted them into evil dragonic fiends and magically bound them to him. This led to the Dracoverlord Crisis, where Lector summoned an army from the Plane of Myths to take over the world. The Kingdom of Petra with Invokers defending it learnt of how he had broken the impossiblity of holding multiple contracts. They were not creatures contracted by Lector, rather they were magically altered and enslaved. Two champions of Petra stepped forward to take on the Dracoverlord: Luster Pendulum, Lectors brother and the Knight Invoker of Petra; and Aleister Petra, the crown prince of the kingdom of Petra. Aleister and Luster used magic to travel to the Plane of Myths. Luster searched out the Great Luster Dragon, and asked for its assistance. The ancient dragon claimed it was far too old and decrepit to fight the Dracoverlord himself. So he taught Luster a forbidden magic known as Polymerization. A magic that fuses two creatures of magical essence into one powerful creature. Luster, having made a contract with the Great Luster Dragon, was unsure of how he would use the power, but the Great Luster Dragon explained that the answer would come when the time was right, but that he would need to make a great choice when the time came. Luster left to return to the Human realm with Aleister.

Aleister instead chose to search out the Elemental Eidolons, the most powerful creatures of each element. He explained what was happening, and that he was the king. He kneeled before them and begged for their aid. The Elemental Eidolons: Caliga of the Dark, Raidjin of the Wind, Cocytus of the Sea, Purgatorio the Hellfire, Megallanica the Mountain, and Merkabah the Light; came together and heard his plea, and sought counsel from the Eidolon of Creation: Elysium the Beginning. Elysium came forth to Aleister and gave him the Sorcerors Stone, a Gem as large as a mans torso. When Aleister took hold of the Stone, it changed its form into a book. Elysium explained the Sorcerors Stone had the power to summon the Eidolons, and by making a contract with the Stone itself, he could summon any of the Eidolons. By forming the contract, The Stone took the form of the Book of Magical Law, within which is the knowledge of the Eidolons and their magics. The book granted Aleister the power to use summoning magic, and other forms of magic without any physical cost, but rather, this limitless power is fueled by his life energy. Aleister returned to the Human Realm with Luster, ready to face Lector and his Dragon fiend army.

Upon the plains of Parnaph, Luster and Aleister confronted Luster and his Dragon fiend army. Aleister summoned forth Caliga to fight the army, while luster confronted his brother, who had transformed into a dragonic fiend himself. The Caliga couldn't lose to the army, but he hadn't the power to defeat the army on his own. Aleister summoned forth all of the Elemental Eidolons, at great cost to himself to combat the army. Luster, seeing Aleister doing everything in his power to hold up his part of the battle, Luster summoned the Great Luster Dragon, and the realization dawned on him. He possessed magical essence. Using the powers of Polymerization, Luster fused with the Great Luster Dragon, becoming a humanoid dragon in mythril armor with a silver sword and shield. But unlike Lector who had become a dragon fiend by becoming the physical embodiment of a Dracoverlord, Luster had become the Dracoslayer. While Lector had the power to control twisted dragonic fiends, Luster had willingly fused with a dragon to become a dragonic warrior with the power meant to kill said fiends. Luster killed his brother, and in doing so unleashed the powers of the true master mind behind it all, the great Dragon God: True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher.

Agnimazud sealed Luster and his powers inside of a card, trapping him forever. Aleister used the Book of Magical Law to summon Elysium the Beginning. After Elysium and Agnimazud clashed, it was clear that Elysium could not stop him. Elysium and Aleister agreed, and together, they used the power of the Book of Magical Law in its raw form as the Sorcerors Stone to shatter the magic of the world, and seal it, and the creatures and sorcerors in the same medium as Luster, in the form of cards. An unexpected side effect was that the Plane of Myth itself was caught in the sealing, with places and creatures not engaged in the battle being sealed as well. Aleister and the Eidolons, as well as True King Agnimazud were also sealed in cards. Sorcerors Stone was shattered into thousands of fragments. The Sages of Petra built a great underground vault beneath Petra, within which they stored the billions of cards, and the Shards of the Sorcerors Stone. The Sages studied the cards and the shards and learnt that the cards themselves could have their power unleashed by using the power of the shards. individual shards held enough power to briefly unleash a single card, so they constructed a machine designed to use multiple shards to allow the use of these cards for an indefinite period of time and as much as 60 of these cards. But as with the nature of the Stone, use of its power requires life energy. Centuries in the future, this device would be seen as the first iteration of the Duel Disk.

 Fast Forwarding to present day, these cards had been stolen from the ancient abandoned vault, along with the sorcerors stone shards. Use and possession of the shards, or the cards is illegal. The Templar Force, a group of the government designed to regulate and enforce those laws use Duel Disks powered by Technology to fight against any who use the Shards or the Cards. The company that created these Duel Disks - Primus Technologies - created artificial versions of the Cards to create the popular game of Duel Monsters, which employs similar concepts to the ancient battles, only holograms are used in the place of actual creatures, and no artificial versions of the ancient cards exist in order to follow laws and regulations. To avoid being caught by the Templar Force, those who possess the shards and any of the Ancient Cards have crafted their own Duel Disks to work around the shards they possess, so that they may blend with society. Some of these Duel Disks are passed down a family line, and thus several generations later, the owner sees it as no more than an original Duel Disk with an heirloom deck. This is exactly the case for a young man named Artemis Pendragon. He had inherited his Grandfathers Duel Disk, and with it, the Ancient Card Deck containing the legendary Noble Knights and their Noble Arms.

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